The GGCC is excited to help spread the word about The Salvation Army Milwaukee Cold Spring Church and Community Center. We recently spoke with Kiran Kuhn who serves, in part, as the chapter’s Program Coordinator. She tells us there is so much they have to offer, including a food pantry that’s open on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Currently, the pantry serves 148 families. Last month (June of 2023), that grew by an additional 25 families, a huge increase of 20%. September will mark five years the pantry has been operating.
Sunday services are held at the church, along with Bible services and other church-related activities. Cold Spring would also like to open up their building to seniors for such things as a social hour and game time. In addition, the hope is that seniors who gather at the center could then help students in its ESL classes practice their English. Furthermore, Cold Spring will soon have available a social services program called Pathway of Hope. It will work alongside families who need assistance with such things as creating a bank account, putting money aside in savings, shopping on a budget, and buying a car.
Kiran is eager to build connections between our Community Chamber and Cold Spring, along with getting to know different businesses. If any of those businesses have employees who need assistance, or have someone who walks in needing assistance, they are encouraged to call Cold Spring at (414) 763-9797.
Thinking ahead, Cold Spring partners with businesses during Christmas for the annual Salvation Army kettle ringing. Cold Spring would love to set up a competition between different businesses to see who can raise the most donations. We hope some of you would be open to participating in such a holiday contest. Contact them here.
Look for Kiran at one of our coffees or luncheons and please give her and The Salvation Army Milwaukee Cold Spring Church and Community Center a warm welcome. You’re also encouraged to follow them on Facebook.

Senior Writer
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