Each of them vital for driving the Greater Greenfield Community Chamber’s growth and engagement, the key characteristics we were looking for were hefty: strong communication, networking, and relationship-building skills; leadership and teamwork talent; GGCC and community focus; sales and marketing acumen; local business insights; and a goal-oriented mindset. Could we find a professional with such a skill set? While daunting at the outset, we can now answer with a resounding, “Yes!” Our Chamber was able to find all of these attributes and more in our new Membership Director, John Anderson.
As the founder of Anderson Advisory Services, John draws upon 30 plus years of banking and finance experience to guide individuals, as well as small and large business organizations, with their strategies and process improvements. We are so delighted to have John’s expertise on our Board. Sitting down with him recently, coffee cups in hand, we discussed his role as our Membership Director.
With background details available on his LinkedIn profile, we’d rather share with you in this space some highlights of that conversation. What better way to start than with his comment, “I am very proud of what we [GGCC] are today, and very optimistic about where we are going.”
As John sees it, the GGCC is, “On the precipice of going to the next step, becoming a great Chamber.” We all know that an organization’s success is built on the efforts of each team member. Therefore, while recruiting individuals to join the GGCC, he’d like them to understand that, as Chamber members, the focus should be the Chamber, and the primary objective is not to sell their services, but to help other members sell theirs. Business-to-business connecting is one of the biggest values the GGCC can offer its members and the community. If done well, at some point, every individual’s products and services can fit in as needed.
“People who make you feel welcome, people who are not afraid of calling others on the phone, and those who are willing to learn,” are the ones who will help the GGCC become a great Chamber, John believes. “My number one strength is I am a learner,” he adds, and encourages all members to “learn more about each other and help each other.”
It’s easy to understand why he says, “I see myself as a connector.” It’s behavior he exemplifies not just on our Board, but in other professional venues, as well. For instance, 10 years ago he launched the MBCNetworking Group, also known as the Milwaukee Breakfast Club. Here, owners and professionals gather biweekly in a supportive, collaborative environment to exchange ideas, share insights, and provide valuable information. It aligns with the kind of environment he’s hoping to help create for the GGCC.
A networking pro, just like our Chamber President Tracy Champagne, he has observed behavior in some people that isn’t helping them. At professional meetups, for instance, there are individuals who will stand and wait for others to introduce themselves and there are those who engage with one person and then talk about themselves. Instead, John prefers to introduce himself to as many people as possible and, when appropriate, ask, “How about if I give you a call?” We think that’s networking at its finest.
“Friendly, fun, and growing,” is how John answers when asked to describe the Greater Greenfield Community Chamber. Right in line with his purpose of building meaningful relationships, he’s pleased that our Board will be meeting in person rather than on Zoom. He thinks it’s a better way of building a team.
Here’s a fun fact about John: While approximately 75% of the population experiences some level of fear or anxiety about public speaking, he actually enjoys impromptu speaking. No scripted speeches for him. All of you are welcome to connect with John. Introduce yourself at one of our First Coffee Fridays or a monthly Chamber lunch, send him an email at John_r.anderson@outlook.com, call him at (262) 327-0766, or attend one of his Milwaukee Breakfast Club meetups. He’s eager to learn all about you.

Senior Writer
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