Highly motivated by the belief that every resource should generate value, Anh Hang, Vice President of the Greater Greenfield Community Chamber, says, “I watch my money. It’s got to yield me some sort of return.” It makes sense, therefore, that she spent time considering the cost of membership in the GGCC and its potential return. For a Primerica Regional Vice President and independent financial planner, this way of thinking and assessing is almost second nature.
That role with the financial services company, in which she guides a team of approximately 29 agents, also prepared her for a leadership position with the GGCC. “It helped me boost my skill sets on both sides of the equation,” says Anh, and it deepened her appreciation for building relationships. “As a business owner, you do have to care about long-term relationships and not just short-term goals. So, it leads to more meaningful conversations and finding ways to support each other [chamber members],” Anh explains.
One of her goals for the GGCC is to “make it more active.” To reach that goal, she agreed to serve as the Chamber’s Events Committee Co-Chair. In a discussion with President Tracy Champagne, Anh suggested that the Chamber reduce its number of regular events to two and then laser focus on them, making them feel very “intentional.” This quickly resulted in the GGCC’s First Friday Coffees and monthly luncheons becoming well-attended networking hubs.
Looking ahead to the future, Anh has several things in mind. First, she thinks it would be helpful for the Chamber to participate in a volunteer activity. In other words, give back to the community with hands-on support. For example, she mentions her Committee Co-Chair, Rebecca Guardiola, is currently, “working on locking in a volunteer opportunity with the Cold Spring Salvation Army.” Since that branch is a member of the Chamber, it’s a great chance to foster meaningful partnerships and make a difference for those who are part of the GGCC family. “And then another area is educational,” says Anh. “I want something to educate and develop the young. Right now our events are all networking, but it’d be good to have some resource-type of events,” she adds.
As for the Greater Greenfield Community Chamber as a whole, Anh’s observation is, “It might not be as structured as other chambers, but we’re the most personable.” She sees not only its potential, but the passion in its members. Anh shares, “I like the conversations I have with members. They really want to take their business to the next level.” She’s hopeful that they will recognize, as she does, that GGCC membership is a worthy investment.
We’re so pleased to have Anh as a GGCC member, Events Co-Chair, and Chamber Vice President. She’d enjoy hearing from you if you haven’t already met. Or, having met her, perhaps you have some ideas to share. Anh can be reached at (414) 678-9299 or hang.anh@primerica.com.

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